Welding Automation
Comprehensive Solutions for the Welding Automation Industry
Automation is a crucial part of modern welding operations. Upgrade your operation by sourcing advanced cobots and automated welding solutions from Oxygen Service Company.
There’s no shortage of benefits that come with Oxygen Service’s technology. Our cutting-edge robotic welding solutions offer:
Improved Weld Quality: Automated welding machines achieve a level of quality and consistency that can’t be matched by a manual welding team. This increased precision means you’re getting the same superior results every time, standardizing and increasing your product’s quality control.
Increased Throughput: Automated welding solutions are efficient. Unlike traditional human welders, automated machinery doesn’t vary its output or productivity on a day-to-day basis.
Minimized Scrap: Robotic welding solutions are designed to minimize the amount of resources you have to invest in each project. Welding automation also results in much fewer defects and scrap. As long as the machinery is overseen by a capable manager, automated welding solutions aren’t prone to error like human welders are.
Decreased Labor Costs: Welding automation greatly cuts down on the amount of human capital required in your welding operation. Instead of having to deal with the variable labor costs involved with managing dozens of welders, you’ll be able to cut down your human capital needs to a few cobot and automated welding operators.
Overall, automated welding systems result in a higher volume of a higher-quality product that’s produced for less money and with less waste.
Oxygen Service Company is your full-service welding supplier. While we’re happy to provide modern robotic welding solutions, we can help your facility address a full range of welding needs. Oxygen Service Company has been meeting the Midwest’s industrial needs since 1959. We can help you:
Every welding operation needs gas and supplies. Make sure you’re getting high-quality gases by working with us! We can help you source a huge range of industrial and welding gases, including:
In addition to gas, we’re happy to fulfill any of your dry ice needs. Dry ice blasting solutions are an increasingly popular alternative to automated welding machine cleaning. Blasting is one of the best ways to make sure your machines stay clean and polished for years to come! With our services, you get faster, more thorough cleaning that keeps your equipment in great shape. Make your welding operation spotless by contacting us today.
Whether you need assistance with welding automation solutions or are just looking to resupply your gas, we’re here to help. Contact OSC to take the first step toward transforming your facility.
Some of our best customer relationships began with a phone call. Give us a ring today, and let’s start a professional partnership.